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Unlocking the Mystery: What Happens When Gemstones Are Removed?

  Introduction Have you ever wondered about the intriguing world of gemstones and their mystical powers? Gemstones hold a unique allure, believed to influence our lives in profound ways. However, there are times when these precious stones need to be removed, whether for maintenance or personal reasons. So, what happens when gemstones are taken off, and what should you expect when you decide to wear them again? Let's delve into the fascinating realm of gemstone removal and its implications. The Science Behind Gemstone Energy Gemstones are not just beautiful adornments; they are repositories of energy derived from the Earth's geological processes. These natural marvels are intricately linked with planetary influences, according to Vedic astrology. When worn, they are said to channel positive energy and bring about desired changes in one's life. Direct Contact with Skin: Gemstones work best when they make direct contact with your skin. This connection allows the stone's