Birthstone Facts


January - Garnet: Garnet symbolizes trust, friendship, and loyalty.

February - Amethyst: Amethyst is associated with peace, courage, and stability.

March - Aquamarine: Aquamarine represents youth, health, and hope.

April - Diamond: Diamond is associated with love, purity, and strength.

May - Emerald: Emerald symbolizes rebirth, growth, and prosperity.

June - Alexandrite: Alexandrite changes color under different lighting conditions.

July - Ruby: Ruby is associated with passion, courage, and love.

August - Peridot: Peridot represents strength, protection, and healing.

September - Sapphire: Sapphire symbolizes wisdom, truth, and faithfulness.

October - Tourmaline: Tourmaline is known for its ability to protect against negative energy.

November - Topaz: Topaz represents strength, courage, and success.

December - Blue Topaz: Blue topaz is believed to bring clarity, and peace to its wearer.


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